

140 x 180 x 5 cm, © 2018, verkocht
Tweedimensionaal | Schilderkunst | Acryl | Op doek
I stood in front of this very large canvas after long time waiting for nice and dry weather so I could paint it outside after I realized a long time ago that could not get it into my studio because the staircase is too narrow. Of course it was a very nice day, pleasant to be outside full of light and the freshness of the spring. Because of the size I wanted to keep the colour combination subtle, light and more pastel like. I was more interested in the variety of textures and layers. I had no name in my head just then and then this feather landed on my canvas, on a new freshly painted area. My first reaction was to quickly pull of my gloves which were stuck on my hands…., but then I looked at it from a distance and I thought:  Perfect! That is it!  I continued working on the large painting FEATHER. It has its name and I couldn't think of any better.